Column widths don't look the same in different browsers

IE, column width = 25%

I was fine with the column sizes.

Netscape, column width = 25%

I was shocked that Netscape didn't understand percentages. Usually, 100%/4 =25%. But not according to Netscape. The column widths became bigger than what they should have been. BS

Netscape, column width = 20%

I had to change the column width to 20% to make them look like they were 25%. Silly Netscape.
Of course, I would have to adjust the "left" value to so that the columns don't touch, but this is just for testing.So I don't want to go through the trouble

IE, column width = 20%

After making changes to accomodate Netscape, the columns become too skinny in IE. I can't win!